Ayurvedic tips for the Summer Season
Hi Friends, Summer is here! Just like we change our wardrobe according to the seasons, we also need to think about changing our diet and lifestyle in order to keep ourselves in balance throughout the year! This is known as “Ritucharya” in Sanskrit! Ritu = season, Charya = regimen or rituals Ayurveda has rules regarding diet and lifestyle
Welcome Spring!
Days are getting longer, Sunlight is gradually returning after the dark, gloomy, cold winter! After fighting the cold all winter long, your body is usually not ready for the rise in temperature. Although we welcome the warm sunny days in spring, but it could also bring with it congestion and upper respiratory conditions for some
Get to “Know Yourself”?
Ever wondered why some people can eat just about anything and seem to be perfectly healthy and some get really bad digestive upsets if they deviate from their regular routine! Some people exercise regularly and still cannot lose weight, while some cannot gain weight even if they try hard! In Ayurveda, it is clearly stated that
It is alarming to note that 1 in 3 people in North America are either living with pre-diabetes or diabetes. Many of us are experiencing signs of insulin resistance or hypoglycemia, and we don’t even know!!!! This was really a shocking statistic that I came across the other day! I have been thinking about it
Many people wait until January 1st to begin eating healthier. After all, it’s the holiday season and there is rich festive food all around us, so how can anyone resist? And we are bound to add a few extra pounds! The new year is a perfect time to adopt new habits. By practicing healthier eating, you
Menopause & Midlife Crisis!
While midlife crisis and menopause are distinct concepts, they can coincide and may influence each other in some individuals. Let's break down the relationship between the two: - Midlife crisis often occurs in the age range of 40 to 60, and menopause typically occurs in women around their late 40s or early 50s. Both are associated
Menopause through an Ayurvedic lens!
Menopause happens to every woman at some point in her lifespan. It’s not an illness or a disease… it’s just another phase in a woman’s life. Not everyone’s experience is the same during this phase…. Some people breeze through it without any issues or discomfort, yet others complain about its crazy-making symptoms such as hot
Why do we crave dessert after a meal?
As per Ayurveda we need all 6 tastes (Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Pungent, Astringent) in each meal…. If your food is well balanced in all 6 tastes, you would never ever crave anything after a well-balanced, satisfying meal… Instead, you would feel relaxed & satisfied! You would feel bliss saturating your soul! What’s happening nowadays is that
Feeling Anxious? Try an Ayurvedic approach!
Anxiety can be a very serious condition affecting so many people especially during the times we are in right now! When you are anxious, you are either thinking about the past or worrying over the future. You get so caught up in your thoughts that it affects your everyday life! There is a sense of internal
Is Stress making you sick?
Stress is, unfortunately, an unavoidable fact of life! Since coronavirus has become a part of our everyday life, you may feel more stressed than ever before. But can you actually get sick from stress? The short answer is YES!!! Stress can contribute to many health issues. In fact, almost 99% of the health conditions we are facing in the world