It is alarming to note that 1 in 3 people in North America are either living with pre-diabetes or diabetes. Many of us are experiencing signs of insulin resistance or hypoglycemia, and we don’t even know!!!! This was really a shocking statistic that I came across the other day! I have been thinking about it
Why do we crave dessert after a meal?
As per Ayurveda we need all 6 tastes (Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Pungent, Astringent) in each meal…. If your food is well balanced in all 6 tastes, you would never ever crave anything after a well-balanced, satisfying meal… Instead, you would feel relaxed & satisfied! You would feel bliss saturating your soul! What’s happening nowadays is that
Foods That Trigger Anxiety!
Anxiety is familiar to all of us. We all have experienced it at some point in time. For me I still remember the level of anxiety that struck me when it was the first day of my teaching career 25 years ago! The first few minutes were nerve racking but then gradually it got better! However,
Myths & Facts about Diabetes!
A diagnosis of diabetes can be life-changing. It can also be confusing! There are many questions that come to our minds when we think of diabetes! Is diabetes really caused by eating too much sugar? And will I have to take insulin injections all through my life? The reason why someone will develop type 1 diabetes is very different from the
Top 7 Inflammatory foods
In my previous blog, I talked about Inflammation (A silent Killer!) Inflammation is your body’s natural defence mechanism. However, when inflammation turns chronic, it becomes a problem. Chronic inflammation overwhelms your immune system and may lead to chronic pain and many other health issues. Inflammatory foods are major culprits in the development of pain in many