Ayurvedic tips for the Summer Season
Hi Friends, Summer is here! Just like we change our wardrobe according to the seasons, we also need to think about changing our diet and lifestyle in order to keep ourselves in balance throughout the year! This is known as “Ritucharya” in Sanskrit! Ritu = season, Charya = regimen or rituals Ayurveda has rules regarding diet and lifestyle
Welcome Spring!
Days are getting longer, Sunlight is gradually returning after the dark, gloomy, cold winter! After fighting the cold all winter long, your body is usually not ready for the rise in temperature. Although we welcome the warm sunny days in spring, but it could also bring with it congestion and upper respiratory conditions for some
Get to “Know Yourself”?
Ever wondered why some people can eat just about anything and seem to be perfectly healthy and some get really bad digestive upsets if they deviate from their regular routine! Some people exercise regularly and still cannot lose weight, while some cannot gain weight even if they try hard! In Ayurveda, it is clearly stated that
Menopause through an Ayurvedic lens!
Menopause happens to every woman at some point in her lifespan. It’s not an illness or a disease… it’s just another phase in a woman’s life. Not everyone’s experience is the same during this phase…. Some people breeze through it without any issues or discomfort, yet others complain about its crazy-making symptoms such as hot
Are you healthy in the true sense?
Let’s look at health through an Ayuvedic lens! We all have times when we don’t feel well in general. We feel that we don’t have the same amount of energy as we used to! Sometimes we go to the doctor only to be told there is nothing wrong. This is kind of a wake-up call for
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Hi Friends, In the last few weeks, I have had quite a few people ask me about digestive issues especially IBS! And I was forced to think about this topic again and again as to why is IBS on the rise? IBS can be highly uncomfortable and can trigger a lot of mental and physical stress. It
STRESS …… through an Ayurvedic lens!
It is very interesting how when life gets stressful, people react in a number of ways based on how they view that situation! And much of it comes from their individual unique mind body type! What???? It’s true we all are born with our own unique genetics or Prakruti (Ayurvedic mind-body constitution) To know your ayurvedic
Coffee….. through an Ayurvedic lens!
Namaste Dear Friends! Many of my Ayurveda students have been asking me what do I think about coffee? Should we completely quit coffee if we are following an ayurvedic lifestyle? Now every time I am faced with such a question, my suggestion is- “It depends!” It depends on your unique mind body constitution- your Prakruti as
10 Steps towards using “Food as Medicine”!
Forget all what you have learnt so far in modern nutrition! Forget those calories, those carbs, proteins and fats! I would like to reiterate what Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician said long time ago, “Let food be thy medicine”. Go back to your roots and fall back on those Ayurveda principles for creating a healthy
Build Immunity With Ayurvedic Wisdom!
In Ayurveda, digestion (Agni) is given a lot of importance! Yes, you guessed it right….. achieving strong immunity also lies in a strong digestive system!