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It’s December! And it's snowing! It feels like we are officially in the Winter season! Let’s look at Winter through an Ayurvedic Lens! Ayurveda is the “Science of Life”! We can look up to Ayurveda for all aspects of our lives. Ayurveda has recommendations for the right diet and lifestyle practices for each season, known as

A diagnosis of diabetes can be life-changing. It can also be confusing! There are many questions that come to our minds when we think of diabetes! Is diabetes really caused by eating too much sugar? And will I have to take insulin injections all through my life? The reason why someone will develop type 1 diabetes is very different from the

Namaste Dear Friends! Many of my Ayurveda students have been asking me what do I think about coffee? Should we completely quit coffee if we are following an ayurvedic lifestyle? Now every time I am faced with such a question, my suggestion is- “It depends!” It depends on your unique mind body constitution- your Prakruti as

I have been talking a lot about inflammation lately! And that’s because more and more research is pointing towards Chronic inflammation to be one of the most important causes of disease in modern society. Inflammation is almost always a factor in diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Neurodegenerative Diseases and even Behavioural Changes. I

If you have ever experienced jetlag or if you have stayed up late all night to complete a work project, you know that you can feel completely off the next day and actually for even a few days. That’s because your circadian rhythm has been disrupted or desynchronized! That’s why you feel really tired the

In my previous blog, I talked about Inflammation (A silent Killer!) Inflammation is your body’s natural defence mechanism. However, when inflammation turns chronic, it becomes a problem. Chronic inflammation overwhelms your immune system and may lead to chronic pain and many other health issues. Inflammatory foods are major culprits in the development of pain in many

Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and many other conditions. A sudden rise in auto-immune conditions and pain of idiopathic origin also raises serious red flags. What exactly is Inflammation? Heart disease, arthritis (and any -itis), Colitis, Sinusitis, dermatitis, autoimmune diseases,

Back problems are not very easy to understand! To be pain-free, you need to learn how to reach the root cause and work on the source of your problem. All that is needed is an integrated approach that will quickly alleviate any current discomfort and give you all the expert instructions you need in terms of

In this blog, I will try and demystify some of the common myths about Ayurveda and the use of Turmeric. People think that Ayurveda is a mystical science using magical herbs and various practices for achieving optimal health! The truth is that Ayurveda is all about principles. It is all about knowing your true self. It’s