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Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, in the year 440 BC said, “Let food be thy medicine!” The same food can be medicine for one but poison for another depending on what your “Prakruti” (your original mind body constitution) or Vikruti  (imbalanced state of doshas) is at the moment. In this blog let’s explore how the sense

Achieving sustainable weight loss has never been about drastic diets or extreme measures for me. Instead, I’ve found success through a balanced and nourishing approach that keeps cravings at bay, prevents hunger pangs, and maintains stable insulin levels. Here’s what works for me and how I’ve made it part of my lifestyle. 1. Prioritize Balanced, Nutritious

Hi Friends, Summer is here! Just like we change our wardrobe according to the seasons, we also need to think about changing our diet and lifestyle in order to keep ourselves in balance throughout the year! This is known as “Ritucharya” in Sanskrit! Ritu = season, Charya = regimen or rituals Ayurveda has rules regarding diet and lifestyle