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I see more and more people in the world we live in, are experiencing a huge amount of stress.

Have you ever wondered why are people not happy? Why can’t they be happy with themselves just the way they are? Why can’t they accept others the way they are?

The reasons why people experience stress and struggle with happiness are complex and multifaceted, often influenced by a combination of individual, societal, and environmental factors. Here are some potential reasons that contribute to these challenges:

High Expectations: In today’s society, there is often a focus on achievement, success, and perfection. Individuals may set unrealistic expectations for themselves, leading to stress when they feel they fall short.

Comparisons: The prevalence of social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy as people compare their lives to the curated versions they see online. This constant comparison can lead to a sense of not measuring up.

Cultural and Societal Pressures: Societal and cultural norms can create expectations that may not align with individual values or preferences, causing internal conflict and stress.

Work-Life Balance: Many people struggle to find a balance between work, personal life, and self-care. Demands in the workplace, coupled with societal expectations, can contribute to stress and dissatisfaction.

Financial Stress: Economic challenges, debt, and financial insecurity can significantly impact mental well-being, leading to stress and anxiety.

Health Concerns: Physical health issues or chronic conditions can affect mental well-being and contribute to stress. The mind and body are interconnected, and one can influence the other.

Lack of Self-Acceptance: Some individuals may struggle with self-esteem and self-acceptance, leading to a constant pursuit of external validation and never feeling satisfied.

Uncertainty and Change: Uncertainty about the future can create anxiety and stress for individuals.

Social and Environmental Issues: Global challenges, such as climate change, political unrest, and social injustices, can contribute to a sense of helplessness and anxiety on a broader scale.

Mental Health Stigma: Stigma surrounding mental health issues can prevent individuals from seeking help, leading to untreated conditions that may contribute to stress and unhappiness.

Promoting mental well-being involves addressing these complex issues at individual, societal, and systemic levels. Encouraging open conversations about mental health, fostering supportive environments, and promoting self-care and resilience can contribute to a healthier and happier society. Additionally, seeking professional help when needed is essential for addressing mental health challenges.

If you’re struggling with a persistent sense of frustration and disconnection, you may be missing a key element in your life: A genuine sense of purpose!

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Preeti Syal
M.Sc.R.H.N., Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant

The content provided in my blogs is for knowledge-sharing purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.