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Achieving sustainable weight loss has never been about drastic diets or extreme measures for me. Instead, I’ve found success through a balanced and nourishing approach that keeps cravings at bay, prevents hunger pangs, and maintains stable insulin levels. Here’s what works for me and how I’ve made it part of my lifestyle. 1. Prioritize Balanced, Nutritious

Ever wondered why some people can eat just about anything and seem to be perfectly healthy and some get really bad digestive upsets if they deviate from their regular routine! Some people exercise regularly and still cannot lose weight, while some cannot gain weight even if they try hard! In Ayurveda, it is clearly stated that

While midlife crisis and menopause are distinct concepts, they can coincide and may influence each other in some individuals. Let's break down the relationship between the two: - Midlife crisis often occurs in the age range of 40 to 60, and menopause typically occurs in women around their late 40s or early 50s. Both are associated

Anxiety is familiar to all of us. We all have experienced it at some point in time.  For me I still remember the level of anxiety that struck me when it was the first day of my teaching career 25 years ago! The first few minutes were nerve racking but then gradually it got better! However,

I have been talking a lot about inflammation lately! And that’s because more and more research is pointing towards Chronic inflammation to be one of the most important causes of disease in modern society. Inflammation is almost always a factor in diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Neurodegenerative Diseases and even Behavioural Changes. I

Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and many other conditions. A sudden rise in auto-immune conditions and pain of idiopathic origin also raises serious red flags. What exactly is Inflammation? Heart disease, arthritis (and any -itis), Colitis, Sinusitis, dermatitis, autoimmune diseases,

Back problems are not very easy to understand! To be pain-free, you need to learn how to reach the root cause and work on the source of your problem. All that is needed is an integrated approach that will quickly alleviate any current discomfort and give you all the expert instructions you need in terms of

I recently mentioned in one of my webinars that there are 4 pillars of good health! Healthy dietRegular exerciseGood night sleepStress management! Since then I have received so many emails requesting recommendations for improving sleep! This reinforced my concern about sleep issues that are on the rise these days!  A good night’s sleep is just as important