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November 2023

While midlife crisis and menopause are distinct concepts, they can coincide and may influence each other in some individuals. Let's break down the relationship between the two: - Midlife crisis often occurs in the age range of 40 to 60, and menopause typically occurs in women around their late 40s or early 50s. Both are associated

Menopause happens to every woman at some point in her lifespan. It’s not an illness or a disease… it’s just another phase in a woman’s life. Not everyone’s experience is the same during this phase…. Some people breeze through it without any issues or discomfort, yet others complain about its crazy-making symptoms such as hot

As per Ayurveda we need all 6 tastes (Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Pungent, Astringent) in each meal…. If your food is well balanced in all 6 tastes, you would never ever crave anything after a well-balanced, satisfying meal… Instead, you would feel relaxed & satisfied! You would feel bliss saturating your soul! What’s happening nowadays is that

Anxiety is familiar to all of us. We all have experienced it at some point in time.  For me I still remember the level of anxiety that struck me when it was the first day of my teaching career 25 years ago! The first few minutes were nerve racking but then gradually it got better! However,